
Greg Arender

Greg’s from Northern California, met his wife, Becca, in Texas and they have 3 kids (Judah, Micah and Eden). Greg earned a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies in 2008 and a Masters in Theological Studies in 2015. After serving in a pastoral residency in Houston, TX Greg and his family moved to Salt Lake City, UT to begin a new church.   After building, growing and developing a healthy church, the Arender’s are planting another church in Salt Lake City. In a place that is is 97% non-christian, the Arender’s have a vision to see multiple churches start, grow and multiply as people are discipled and the church is empowered to display and declare the good news of joyful life in God’s kingdom that has come in Jesus. Greg and his family enjoy all kinds of different adventures outdoors in the beautiful Wasatch mountains, reading and playing games together.


Alex Leighton

We are following God’s call to Bozeman, MT, to plant a church that will bring glory and honor to God, that will see people who are far from Jesus become fully devoted followers of Him, and that will send them out to the nations of the world to plant churches and make disciples.


James Linton

Father James Linton was raised in a home that made faith in Christ a priority. He knew Jesus from a young age. From High School on, He knew he was going to be a pastor.

He was ordained a priest in the ACNA in August of 2012. He served for the next six years as the Associate Rector of Christ’s Church Yucaipa before accepting a call as the Rector of Saint John’s in Salt Lake City. Church planting in Salt Lake City has challenges, as the area is less than ten percent Christian, making this call a missionary call.

Father James is passionate about those who are far from God coming to saving knowledge of Jesus. He also has a heart to see God’s kingdom come, bringing justice to the outcast and the oppressed. Father James wants to see Saint John’s become a parish of multiple congregations, planting congregations up and down the Salt Lake Valley, filling Utah with communities who worship the Christian God and proclaim him in word and deed.

Father James lives with his wife Ileana, his four children Grace, Augustine, Zoe, and Malachi,and his golden lab, Aslan. He enjoys running, hiking, reading, writing, and drinking or brewing craft beer.


Justin Read-Smith

Justin and Liz Read-Smith moved, with their family, to Missoula, MT from England in 2011 to “parachute drop” a church plant into a community, now the Community of Saint Columba. Their heart was to form, with the Lord’s help, a community of Jesus followers who are passionate about others coming to know Jesus, rooted in the classical Anglican tradition, and living on mission to the world. Liz and Fr. Justin spent several years with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in a number of nations as they gained their Biblical Studies degrees. Fr. Justin earned his Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Regent College in 2007 and was ordained and served in London, England. Fr. Justin is the rector of the Community of Saint Columba and Dean of the Rocky Mountain deanery (DWA).


Harman Thomas

Harman grew up moving around the country and in each place found himself worshiping in church plants. You could say church planting is in his DNA. He felt a call to ministry since he was in his teens and began the path to ordination soon after obtaining his Bachelors in Psychology in Chattanooga, Tennessee. On his way out to seminary at Regent College in Vancouver, BC, Harman stopped in Missoula, where the Lord clearly spoke to him with a call to do ministry there. That evening he met Fr. Justin and Liz they began a mentoring relationship throughout Harman's time in seminary that allowed Harman to learn pastoring and church planting experientially, and to get to know the community and mission field in Missoula by heart. After finishing his M.Div. in 2019, Harman has been investing in the community of Missoula with an eye to answering God's call years ago and planting a new Anglican church there.

He hopes to see a community formed around the Word and Mysteries of Christ, united in love, service, and a desire to see Him in the world, each other, and our own selves, so that Missoula might find itself enchanted by the presence of the Kingdom of God. Harman currently serves as prior, catechist and deacon at the Community of Saint Columba, and is passionate about catechesis, preaching, and making the experience of God in the Church's liturgy accessible and exciting to all. In his spare time he is often found exercising, hiking, reading and fly fishing.


Robert Burns

Father Robert Burns, and his wife Melissa moved to Montana from Annapolis MD where Robert finished his 31 year career with the US Navy. Melissa and Robert have been called to plant a church in Kalispell, MT and come to us with 22 years of ministry experience in another denomination. Melissa works as a clinical mental health counselor in Kalispell and Fr. Robert is a part time gunsmith. They are passionate about reaching the un-churched and those who are disenfranchised from the Christian faith. They have one grown child, Priscilla who lives in Annapolis, Maryland.


Thomas Hall

Growing up in Minnesota and the son of a pastor, the Church became Fr Thomas’ second home. He has been in ordained ministry for 40+ years and during those years journeyed through several denominational structures. He and Dixie moved to North Idaho in 2017 and were called to plant a church in 2019. Fr Thomas received his MDiv and ThM from Princeton Theological Seminary and an ABD (MPhil) in Liturgical Studies from Drew University. St David’s Anglican Community is Fr Thomas’ third new church start where folks are invited to step into a new (but old) way of life in the Anglican tradition. The Halls have two adult children and two grandsons.


John Bacon

John and Lauren Bacon are church-planters in Kalispell, Montana. Together they heard the call to move to Montana in order to build Christ's Church and do the work of evangelism. John is an ordained priest in the Anglican Church in North America, and Lauren is an artist. Together, they have four sons, so their life is an adventure!


Jerry Cimijoti

After 14 years in Spokane, Washington, Jerry and his family are moving to Moscow, Idaho to plant a church with an emphasis on reaching students at the University of Idaho. Moscow is a small but bustling college town of 25,000 residents and 11,000 students. The median age is 25 thanks to the large university campus but the majority of people Jerry meets in the community are also under 30. Because the median age is so young, our member’s tithes and offering cannot cover Jerry’s salary. He is asking for your generous support as he reaches the Moscow community with the loving Gospel of Jesus. Jerry planted churches in Cincinnati, OH, in Kennewick, WA and Spokane, WA.