Northern Rockies Deanery

Diocese of Western Anglicans

Serving Anglican churches in

Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, & Utah


Our Leadership:

Bishop: The Most Reverend Keith Andrews  

Dean: The Very Reverend Justin Read- Smith

Church planting Chair: The Reverend Kevin Jones

About Us

We are one of the 4 deaneries which make up the Diocese of Western Anglicans under Bishop Keith Andrews in the Anglican Church of North America.

Our mission is to be a multi-generational church planting movement establishing faithful, gospel centered Anglican communities throughout the states of Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho. We believe Anglicanism to be a suitable container of Christian truth to be passed along from generation to generation.  


We aim to plant, nurture and develop at least one new Anglican work somewhere  in the deanery each year. Ultimately, our desire is to see the Northern Rockies Deanery  become its own Diocese within the Anglican Church of North America.  


We (Alex and family) are following God’s call to Bozeman, MT, to plant a church that will bring glory and honor to God, that will see people who are far from Jesus become fully devoted followers of Him, and that will send them out to the nations of the world to plant churches and make disciples.